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11.11.2020 admin
Trailers with Surge Brakes A trailer with surge brakes cannot be backed up without inserting a pin in the neck of the trailer. When the tow vehicle is in reverse, pushes in on the trailer neck, which would activate the surge brakes. Inserting a pin in the neck of the trailer prevents this from happening while the driver is backing up. Sep 11, �� Always pull forward a little when parking the trailer to release the brakes. Backing up an incline or even tall grass could hold the brakes on, so block the trailer wheels then pull forward if needed. The brakes locking on a surge system after parking . Update:

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All the Surge Brake Actuators below are designed for Straight 3 inch braks trailer tongues. Resources Latest reviews Search resources. All you have to do is push the chain back into its place or reset the handle. Re: Surge brakes locking up hungupthespikes said:. Install the app.

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